Monday, March 29, 2010

Family time

There's really nothing better! Today had it's challenges but also had some great moments to. Time outside as a family was one of them. Thank you for the fun kites Samantha and Delaney.

I am SO behind (once again) on blogging and I have so many great moments and pictures from the month to share. I hope to work on it a bit this week. Thanks for not giving up on me and continuing to check in on us from time to time.

1 comment:

Greta said...

I really love this picture.
I got your last comment on my blog and funnily enough, I have been thinking the same thing: brunch. It seems like the best time of day for the kiddos. Except Annabelle who probably would miss her morning nap.
It seems like every weekend in April is already booked (what the heck!) so we may have to come up with a new plan.
I want to have you all over. So I am going to work on this.
Oh, and I'll keep coming back to check in. And don't worry, you are allowed to post whenever you can. You're doing a great job!